吕宝亮,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所研究员,课题组长,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,飞禽走兽老虎机:“三晋英才”拔尖骨干人才,太原市高端创新型人才,九三学社中央青年工作委员会委员,九三学社飞禽走兽老虎机:青年工作委员会副主任。2009年至今,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、课题组长。目前主要研究方向为多相催化材料的结构设计、合成及相关应用研究。先后主持研究了包括国家自然科学基金、飞禽走兽老虎机:优秀青年基金、飞禽走兽老虎机:自然科学基金在内的10余项国家及省部级科研项目。在Advanced Functional Materials、Journal of Catalysis等国际知名的材料、催化、化学学术期刊上发表论文80余篇,引用1000余次。曾获飞禽走兽老虎机:自然科学一等奖(排名1/4)、中国颗粒学会自然科学二等奖(排名1/6)等奖项,并应邀担任国家自然科学奖评审专家。
1. 一种阳离子修饰的大比表面积氧化钼或氧化钨纳米线的制备方法,申请号:CN201810202918,申请日:2018.03.13,公开号:CN108163895A,公开日期:2018.06.15,专利权人:中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,发明人:吕宝亮、王会香、曹英、王连成。
2. 一种熔融体气泡模板法制备均匀孔介孔氮化硼的方法,申请号: CN201810304897,申请日:2018.04.08,公开号: CN108275663A,公开日: 2018.07.13,专利权人:中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,发明人:王连成、吕宝亮、杨夕、丁瑞敏。
3. 一种液相剪切制备单分散胶体氮化硼纳米晶的方法,申请号: CN201710329108,申请日:2017.05.11,公开号:CN107244659A,公开日: 2017.10.13,专利权人:中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,发明人:王连成、杨夕、吕宝亮、丁瑞敏。
1、Liancheng Wang, Yuanying Wang, Rong zhang, Ruimin Ding, Xiaohua Chen*, Baoliang Lv*, “Edge Activating CO2 Mediated Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation by Hierarchical Porous BN catalyst”, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 6697-6706.
2、Huixiang Wang, Mingxing Tang, Fenglei Shi, Ruimin Ding, Liancheng Wang, Jianbo Wu, Xuekuan Li*, Zhong Liu, and Baoliang Lv*, “Amorphous Cr2WO6 Modified WO3 nanowires with Large Specific Surface Area and Rich Lewis Acid Sites: a Highly Efficient Catalyst for Oxidative Desulfurization”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 38140-38152.
3、Mengchao Wang, Ruimin Ding*, Yicong Xiao, Huixiang Wang, Liancheng Wang, Cheng-Meng Chen, Yuewen Mu*, Gang-Ping Wu, Baoliang Lv*, “CoP/RGO-Pd Hybrids with Heterointerfaces as Highly Active Catalyst for Ethanol Electrooxidation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 28903–28914.
4、Rong Zhang, Xi Yang, Zheng Tao, Xiao Wang, Huixiang Wang, Liancheng Wang*, Baoliang Lv*, “Insight into the Effective Aerobic Oxidative Cross-Esterification of Alcohols over Au/Porous Boron Nitride Catalyst”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 46678-46687.
5、Ruimin Ding, Mengchao Wang, Xianfen Wang, Huixiang Wang, Liancheng Wang, Yuewen Mu*, Baoliang Lv*, “Hydrogen evolution reaction for N-doped amorphous MoSx”, Nanoscale, 2019, 11 ,11217-11226.
6、Zhong Liu, Yongquan Zhou, Min Guo, Baoliang Lv*, Zhijian Wu, Wuzong Zhou*, “Experimental and theoretical investigations of Cs+ adsorption on crown ethers modified magnetic adsorbent”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 371, 712-720.
7、Xianfen Wang, Ruimin Ding*, Xiaobo Ren, Liyi Shi*, Qunjie Li, Yufeng Yang, Huixiang Wang, Mengchao Wang, Liancheng Wang, Baoliang Lv*, “Micron iron oxide Particles with thickness-controllable carbon coating for Ni-Fe battery”, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 299, 800-808.
8、Yanling Ma, Fan Li, Xiaobo Ren, Wenlong Chen, Chao Li, Peng Tao, Chengyi Song, Wen Shang, Rong Huang*, Baoliang Lv*, Hong Zhu*, Tao Deng, Jianbo Wu*, “Facets Matching of Platinum and Ferric Oxide in Highly Efficient Catalyst Design for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(17), 15322–15327.
9、Li Qin, Liancheng Wang*, Xi Yang, Ruimin Ding, Zhanfeng Zheng, Xiaohua Chen*, Baoliang Lv*, “Synergistic enhancement of oxygen reduction reaction with BC3 and graphitic-N in boron- and nitrogen-codoped porous graphene”, Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 359, 242-250.
10、Huixiang Wang, Conghui Wang, Xinmin Cui, Li Qin, Ruimin Ding, Liancheng Wang, Zhong Liu, Zhanfeng Zheng, Baoliang Lv*, “Design and facile one-step synthesis of FeWO4/Fe2O3 di- modified WO3 with super high photocatalytic activity toward degradation of quasi- phenothiazine dyes”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 221, 169-178.
11、Xi Yang, Li Qin, Liancheng Wang*, Ruimin Ding, Liyi Shi, Baoliang Lv*, “Scalable synthesis of quasi-monodispersed BN colloidal nanocrystals by “solvent cutting” and their anti-electrochemical corrosion coating”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 333, 191-199.
12、Conghui Wang, Jing Shi, Xinmin Cui, Jing Zhang, Chenghua Zhang, Liancheng Wang, Baoliang Lv*, “The role of CO2 in dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene over pure α-Fe2O3 catalysts with different facets”, Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 345, 104-112.
13、Zhong Liu, Ruitao Yu, Yaping Dong*, Wu Li, Baoliang Lv*, “The adsorption behavior and mechanism of Cr(VI) on 3D hierarchical α-Fe2O3 structures exposed by (001) and non-(001) planes”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309, 815–823.
14、Li Qin, Ruimin Ding, Huixiang Wang, Jianghong Wu, Conghui Wang, Chenghua Zhang, Yao Xu, Liancheng Wang*, Baoliang Lv*, “Facile synthesis of porous nitrogen-doped holey graphene as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction”, Nano Research, 2017, 10(1), 305–319.
15、Yuxue Wei, Ruimin Ding, Chenghua Zhang*, Baoliang Lv*, Yi Wang, Chengmeng Chen, Xiaoping Wang, Jian Xu, Yong Yang, Yongwang Li*. “Facile synthesis of self-assembled ultrathin α-FeOOH nanorod/graphene oxide composites for supercapacitors”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 504, 593-602.
16、Conghui Wang, Jing Shi, Xinmin Cui, Huixiang Wang, Jianghong Wu, Chenghua Zhang, Liancheng Wang, Baoliang Lv*, Yao Xu, “Nonspherical hollow α-Fe2O3 structures synthesized by stepwise effect of fluoride and
phosphate anions”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 11000-11008.
17、Zhong Liu, Baoliang Lv*, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Hexagonal α-Fe2O3 nanorods bound by high-index facets as high performance electrochemical sensor”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1 (9): 3040–3046.
18、Baoliang Lv, Zhong Liu, Ruimin Ding, Dong Wu, Yao Xu*, “Fast production of β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures with (001) and (100) plane exposure and their electrochemical properties” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1 (18): 5695-5699.
19、Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu*, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun*, “Single-crystal α-Fe2O3 hexagonal nanorings: stepwise influence of different anionic ligands (F- and SCN- anions)”, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47 (3): 967-969.
20、Baoliang Lv, Zhenyu Liu*, Hong Tian, Yao Xu*, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun*, “Single-crystalline dodecahedral and octodecahedral α-Fe2O3 particles synthesized by a fluoride anion–assisted hydrothermal method”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20 (23): 3987–3996.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials;ACS Applied Energy Materials; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; ACS Omega; Analyst;Applied Catalysis B: Environmental;Applied Surface Science; Batteries & Supercaps;Carbon;Catalysis Science & Technology; Catalysis Today;Ceramics International;ChemCatChem; ChemElectroChem;Chemical Communications; Chemical Engineering Journal;Chemical Physics Letters;Chemistry - An Asian Journal;Chemistry Letters;Chemistry Select;CrystEngComm; Current Nanoscience;Dalton Transactions;Fuel;International Journal of Biological Macromolecules;Journal of Alloys and Compounds;Journal of Catalysis;Journal of Hazardous Materials;Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical; Journal of Nanoparticle Research;Journal of Physics and Chemistry Solids; Journal of Power Sources;Journal of Soil and Water Science;Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers; Materialia;NANO;New Journal of Chemistry; Oriental Journal of Chemistry; Particuology; RSC Advances;Science of Advanced Materials; Scientific Reports; SN Applied Sciences;材料研究学报;山西大学学报;物理化学学报。